Travel Writing — Stepwell

Raniji ki Baori - the Queen's Stepwell at Bundi

Bundi Indian Sculpture Photos of India Rajasthan Stepwell

Raniji ki Baori - the Queen's Stepwell at Bundi

Photos of the Raniji ki Baori Stepwell at Bundi taken at different times of year, in the dry season and after monsoon rain.

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The Bawari ki Bas stepwell in Rajasthan

Bundi Photos of India Rajasthan Stepwell

The Bawari ki Bas stepwell in Rajasthan

The Bawari ki Bas stepwell is one of the most beautiful small village wells we've seen and the village headman seems delighted that we love it so much.

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Monkeys steal my glasses in Vrindavan!

Incense India Krishna Stepwell

Monkeys steal my glasses in Vrindavan!

A monkey has stolen my glasses. It sits on a low roof chewing them.

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Exploring Ratba Stepwell in Gujarat


Exploring Ratba Stepwell in Gujarat

Spiral staircases descend through the walls of the 900 year old stepwell.

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Fertility Goddess, Celestial Beings and a Stepwell

Gujarat Photos Stepwell

Fertility Goddess, Celestial Beings and a Stepwell

A shrine to celestial beings, carved out the stone eight centuries ago.

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