Stone Buddha Head
Buddha head carved from one piece of stone.
The face is serene. The eyes are half closed in meditation. The lips are full and elegant, the nose slim, the face is full and the cheekbones rounded, the ears are very long.
There is debate about why the Buddha is often depicted with long ears.In eastern Asia, large ears are taken as auspicious because they signify wisdom and compassion. Or it could be that the Buddha started life as a prince from a wealthy family and would have worn large gold earrings.
In fact there were no visual representations of the Buddha until several hundred years after his death, so we have very little idea what he may have looked like. Read more about images of the Buddha carved in stone in Kathmandu.
Dimensions: Height 35cm.
See the full collection of Buddha Statues in the Buddha & Ganesh collection.
Very heavy, collection only!