Let Ganesh Remove your Obstacles!

Ganesh is the most popular god in India's pantheon of Hindu gods.

It's easy to see why, not only is he an affable, chubby fellow with the head of an elephant, he is also known as the remover of obstacles. And everyone needs a bit of that!

See more of this Copper Coloured Ganesh.

Copper Coloured Ganesh Statue

For that reason you'll often find him over the entrance to people's houses. And of course in large and small shrines in temples as well as the side of the road.

Roadside shrine Ganesh statue

You'll see him embroidered in textiles and illustrated in paintings like this Pattichatra etching from Odisha. 

Plam Leaf Ganesh Etching

Ganesh has a central place in this long vintage silk embroidery from Gujarat where he seems to be incorporated into the everyday life of the village alongside birds, people and animals. 

Vintage Ganesh Embroidery from Gujarat

This shrine is one of many in the back lanes of Jodhpur. The following two are also in Jodhpur on the wall of a hotel, no doubt positioned to make sure everything goes smoothly for your stay there.

Ganesh shrine

Wall Ganesh

Wall Ganesh

Here's another Ganesh we had at the Silk Road Gallery. Smooth and cool to the touch, 38cm tall and with his vehicle, a mouse, nestled down by his left foot.

Brass Ganesh Statue

One of our favourite Ganesh statues at the Silk Road Gallery was this delightful chubby Pot Bellied Ganesh, carved from one piece of wood and given a distressed painted finish. 

Pot Bellied Ganesh

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